then / staff wellbeing / colour them safe crew
colour them safe crew
2021 | Zoom
Colour Them Safe (CTS) is a Melbourne based arts organisation, passionate about mental health. CTS are committed to creating safe and supportive art spaces where young people in need can connect, explore art making and experience kindness. The aim of CTS is to improve the social and emotional wellbeing of young people experiencing disadvantage.
During COVID lockdowns, we ran an online session for the CTS crew around themes of resistance and acceptance. We ensured that these people, who are so often holding space for their participants, had some space held for them for some relaxation and processing.
Facilitating a session for this team of legends was the beginning of a strong connection between CAYA and CTS and we are now currently running both the online and in-studio programs each term for their/our participants. You can check these out here.